Nye udgivelser
Spectral kinship: Understanding how Vietnamese women endure domestic distress
08.06.2021 -
Isomorphic Articulations: Notes from collaborative film-work in an Afghan-Danish Film Collective
06.05.2021 -
COVID-19 Temporalities: Ruptures of everyday life in urban Burkina Faso
06.05.2021 -
The pharmaceutical imaginary of heart disease: Pleasant futures and problematic present
26.04.2021 -
Ethnicity, Ritual and Festivals in Asia
23.04.2021 -
Metaphors of Change: Navigating a Revolution in Engineering Education
14.04.2021 -
Communal Riots and the Narratives of Violent and Victimized Women in India
31.03.2021 -
The SAGE Handbook of Cultural Anthropology: Anthropologies of Cultural Heritage
16.03.2021 -
People Made of Glass: The Collapsing Temporalities of Chronic Conditions
19.02.2021 -
When Patchworks Dissolve
09.02.2021 -
Special issue: Calcutta characters
07.02.2021 -
Alt det der ikke vejer noget
24.01.2021 -
In the absence of Rhodes: decolonizing South African universities
22.01.2021 -
In the Interest(s) of Many: Governing Data in Crises
04.01.2021 -
Window Work: Framing Eldercare in the Age of COVID-19
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