Nye udgivelser
Facilitating resonance: Brokerage in indigenous activism
13.12.2021 -
Peacebuilding and Resistance: Inequality, Empowerment, Refusal
12.12.2021 -
Object Exchange
24.11.2021 -
Multimodal Sorting
05.11.2021 -
Why care? Volunteer work and the ethical demand among young Afghan-Danes
25.10.2021 -
Viral Loads
08.10.2021 -
A view from anthropology: Should anthropologists fear the data machines?
21.09.2021 -
The Moral Work of Anthropology
20.09.2021 -
The Political Economy of Attention
06.09.2021 -
Heritagizing Asian cities: space, memory and vernacular heritage practices
15.07.2021 -
Kunstbegrebets koloniale klassifikationer til forhandling på museer i Sydafrika
01.07.2021 -
Sacred but not holy: Awe, spectacle, and the heritage gaze in Danish religious heritage contexts
21.06.2021 -
The Face of ‘The Other’: Biometric Facial Recognition
15.06.2021 -
Pawan: Prison Master
14.06.2021 -
Climate Change Never Travels Alone: Oceanian Stories
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