Nye udgivelser
Seksuel identitet sent i livet: Ældre homo- og biseksuelles sociale vilkår i Danmark
29.05.2019 -
Comparative Visions of the Apocalypse
24.05.2019 -
The Pursuit of Happiness in Vietnam
05.04.2019 -
Patchwork Economies in Europe: Economic Strategies Among Homeless Romanian Roma in Copenhagen
27.02.2019 -
"Teach Your Girls to Stab, Not Sing"
22.02.2019 -
Potentialets politik: Aldring og ensomhed i Danmark
13.02.2019 -
"Loose girls bring bad boys into safe neighbourhoods”
11.01.2019 -
09.01.2019 -
Between ‘tradition’ and movement: the emergence of Turkey’s Anti-Capitalist Muslims in the age of protest
09.01.2019 -
Border control and blurred responsibilities at the airport
09.01.2019 -
The Confines of Time – On the Ebbing Away of Futures in Sierra Leone and Palestine
07.01.2019 -
Southeast Asia as a Theoretical Laboratory for the World
04.01.2019 -
Everyday deficiencies of police surveillance: a quotidian approach to surveillance studies
19.12.2018 -
The anthropology of crime
19.12.2018 -
Slums and Shanty Towns
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Tidsskriftet Jordens folk er et er er et populærvidenskabeligt etnografisk tidsskrift, der udgives af Dansk Etnografisk Forening
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