13. maj 2016

FOCAAL: After Dispossession

This edition of "Focaal – Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology", edited by professor Oscar Salemink and Mattias Borg Rasmussen, is entitled After Disposition and looks at ehnographic approaches to neoliberalization. Apart from the two editors, Postdoc Birgitte Bruun and Postdoc Astrid Oberborbeck Andersen from the department have also contributed with articles.

Abstract: Since the 1980s globalization has taken on increasingly neoliberalizing forms in the form of commoditization of objects, resources, or even human bodies, their reduction to fi nancial values, and their enclosure or other forms of dispossession. “After dispossession” provides ethnographic accounts of the diverse´ways to deal with dispossessions by attempts at repossessing values in connection to what has been lost in neoliberal assemblages of people and resources and thus how material loss might be compensated for in terms of subjective experiences of restoring value beyond the fi nancial. Th e analytical challenge we pursue is one of bridging between a political economy concerned with the uneven distribution of wealth and resources, and the profound changes in identity politics and subject formation that are connected to these. We therefore argue that any dispossession may trigger acts of repossession of values beyond the fi nancial realm, and consequently that suff ering, too, entails forms of agency predicated on altered subjectivities. This move beyond the suff ering subject reconnects the study of subjectivities with the analysis of alienation, disempowerment, and impoverishment through dispossession and attempts at recapturing value in altered circumstances.

Oscar Salemink and Mattias Borg Rasmussen (ed.): After dispossession - Ethnographic approaches to neoliberalization; Focaal – Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology; 2016