Stine Krøijer

Stine Krøijer


Current position

2022-         Associate Professor, promotion programme

2017-2022 Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen

2014-2017  Assistant Professor, University of Copenhagen

Education and previous positions
2015-16  Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (Universitetspædagogikum). Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen.

2010-2014  Senior Advisor on climate change, extractive industries and indigenous rights, IBIS. Coordinator of Latin America regional programme including budget responsibility, political advocacy temaleader concerning the above issues in relation to EU, World Bank and UNFCCC.

2007-2011  PhD in anthropology, Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen.Title of PhD Thesis: Figurations of the Future: Forms and Temporalities of Left Radical Politics in Northern Europe. Defended June 2011.

2002-2007  Advisor on Latin America and evaluation methodology, IBIS. Programme and strategy development. Responsible for development of evaluation methodology and training.

2003  Cand. scient in anthropology, Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen. Title of Master Thesis: The Company and the Trickster: A Study of Secoya Storytelling as a Mode of Government. Defended February 2003.


Other functions

2014-  Editorial Board of Tidsskriftet Antropologi (The leading Danish Anthropological Journal). 

2014, 2015  Student Admission Committee, Master in Global Development, University of Copenhagen

2012-2013  External referee to a study of ‘the landscape of extremism in Denmark.’ SFI, the Danish National Centre for Social Research

Presentations and dissimination to the wider public (selected)

2015  Paper presentation: The Art of Naming and Not Naming: Political subjectivity among European anarchists and indigenous peoples of the Amazon. UCL, London

2015  Bolivia is fighting for its white gold [Bolivia kæmper for sit hvide guld, on lithium exploitation, utopias and the rights of nature in Bolivia]. Interviewed by Kathrine Dalsgaard. Kristligt Dagblad, 15 august.

2014  Co-convener of invited panel and paper presentation. Thinking Two Worlds at the Same Time: the Headache of a not quite Spear-killing in the Ecuadorian Amazon. EASA Biannual Conference, Tallinn.

2013  Amazon Trails [Spor i Amazonas]. Exhibition at the Workers Museum, Copenhagen and at Esbjerg Phototek with photographer Mike Kollöffel.

2013  Democracy Symposium at Krogerup Højskole. Can democracy deal with the climate crisis? Debate with Climate Minister Martin Lidegaard and journalist Jørgen Steen Nielsen.

2012  Rømer, Nis, Stine Krøijer and Berit Nørgaard: Exercises (in becoming and escaping). Exhibition at Danske Grafikeres Hus, Copenhagen.

2012  Frans Jacobi: Climate/Kettle: Aesthetics of Resistance, a re-enactment of civil disobedience action during COP15 (based on my PhD dissertation).

2011  Kollöffel, Mike and Stine Krøijer. In the Heart of Yasuni – a visual story [I hjertet af Yasuni – en billedfortælling]. Dagbladet Information.

2013  Paper presentation: Pii as Theory of Escalating Conflicts among the Huaorani of the Ecuadorian Amazon. PACSA Conference, Copenhagen, August 2013.

2013  Keynote lecture: Qualitative Methods in Dangerous Fields. SFI research seminar.

2012  Protests, Social Media and Cultural Diversity. Keynote at UNESCO Conference on Social Media and Global Culture, Copenhagen.

Democracy symposium at Krogerup Højskole. Can democracy deal with the climate crisis? Debate with Minister of climate Martin Lidegaard and journalist Jørgen Steen Nielsen.


promotion programme

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